Wednesday, May 25, 2011

¿Cómo saber si vivimos en un espacio sano?

Lo recomendable es hacer un estudio de Feng Shui por un profesional, que determinará esas condiciones.

Por ahora os invito a observar algunos detalles:
  • Grietas, olores, humedad.
  • Cuidar la ubicación de nuestras camas.
  • Cómo son las flores y plantas que nos rodean.
Cada día las viviendas se construyen de edificios donde se repiten las mismas formas de apartamentos, pisos y casas, sin prestar atención al lugar, uso materiales, el aislamiento, la orientación y las radiaciones eléctricas entre otros factores.
No es raro ver el mismo edificio en distintos lugares de la ciudad, ¿os ha pasado?
Por tanto, es necesario tener muy en cuenta el entorno a la hora de seleccionar nuestro lugar de vivienda o trabajo, y ser muy cuidadosos también al amueblarlos y decorarlos.
Buscar el equilibrio entre nosotros y nuestros espacios.

Un abrazo, Namasté!

Monday, May 23, 2011

What is Feng Shui? How can it help me?

The words translate as "wind" and "water".
Energy flows through everything that surrounds us. Everything is energy.

The aim of Feng shui is to balance and harmonize spaces. It is based on the study of energy, "Chi", which changes according to the shape and arrangement of  objects, furniture and architectural elements of a space. Guidelines must be carefully considered, since each cardinal point exudes a different energy. The interpretation of these energies is mainly based on the "Bagua map".

Numerous conclusive studies have proven direct relationships between our health and the spaces in which we live, work and sleep.
In addition to improving our health, applying the principles of Feng Shui in our home or workplace, benefit enormously our personal and professional relationships.

The balance and harmony that flows from Feng shui space allows people to use their own energy better, which can manifest as improvements in all areas of your life.

A study of Feng Shui is a deep analysis of space with different methods: Ba Chop, Yuem Hom, Sam Hap and Sang Sit, overlapped with each other for contrast and interpretation.  The information obtained allows us to make a perfect choice of colors, lighting, furniture and decoration.

Some important buildings built and designed according to the principles of Feng Shui are: The Bank of England, BT Tower, Virgin Offices, the World Trade Center building and Guggenheim Museum in New York, the Gugong Zhong or Forbidden City of Beijing, Bank of Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, among many others.

Love, Namasté!