Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Thinking about moving?

Buying a house will inevitably have huge effects in our lives. The energies involved in the process are many and powerful.

One must be extremely careful not to be blinded by excitement or rush into a purchase of a house, without first assessing the suitability of the house for them.

Energy within a home is very strong and will have profund effects on its inhabitants. If a house is purchased with bad Chi (or negative energy), with time we can suffer repressions.

When the property is an apartment, changes to improve the Feng Shui can be limited by the  and layout of the space. Changes are still of course possible and improvements can be made, but houses offer greater room for improvement.

The most important aspect of a house, according to the laws of Feng Shui, is the back of a property. If the orientation of the back of the property is bad, and changes cannot be made to adjust it, the best option is to find another property. If you have control of the back of a house, you have the power to manipulate the energy flow for the better.

Every person and eery house is different, so finding the right match is crucial. You need to have control over your home - not the other way around. The influence of a property will be different for each individual. To establish the best colours, materials and internal arrangement of a house is always possible. But we need to be very careful about the things that we (sometimes) cannot change, i.e. the structure and orientation.

If you are looking at properties, you could avoid future difficulties by conducting a professional Feng Shui study before you buy. If not by us then by someone else!

Love, Mia

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